check your privilege

Co-Conspiring Made Easy!

A 30 day guide to taking super simple steps on your Anti-Racism journey,

    We respect your privacy. Unsubscribe at any time.

    "The daily prompts are perfect and it really helps me stay on track, continuing on this path of becoming anti-racist. I really love the fact that the dates are not fixed, allowing you to write in the date as you complete the page, meaning if you miss a day, there's no skipped page, you just keep going. No shame, no skipped pages, no ghosting. Just a 90 day journey that you complete at your own pace."


    Lenape Land (NYC)

    What you get:

    30 days of jounrnal prompts to support your antiracism journey.

    Why niche down?

    Without focus, you'll ghost the process before you get started. Many co-conspirators jump into this work over consumed with content Educators and resources. The idea of “Niche Down” is to help you not feel overwhelmed on your journey. The invitation is to slow down, reduce over consumption, and trust yourself during the process.